Friday, December 20, 2019

20/20 Vision

Hooray! Breyer finally gave us a peek at what regular runs to expect next year. I know y'all probably have seen a bajillion (yes, that is a word) of these blog posts, but I figured I could still offer my commentary anyway. I'll be going by scale, so I'll start with the Stablemates:

Deluxe Horse Collection- Various Molds 

So many breeds, ahhhhh! 
Featuring a plethora of breeds, I'm sure at least a few (I just love that Mirado and the Darley, who reminds me a bit of someone else, despite their apparent differences...) of these beauties will wriggle their way into my shelves.

Suncatcher Stablemates- Various Molds 

It's quite interesting that they continue to use the Alborozo in almost any run of multiple different models.
Although I do not plan on purchasing this set, I'm so excited to see what the artists of this hobby do with them!

Birthday at the Barn- Various Molds 

Well, well, well... Breyer's finally caught onto the fact that hobbyists are making mini boxes
I have similar commentary on this set, especially because the quality control on Classics is poor, but I might want the Harper, depending on how she looks in-hand.

Fairfax- Morgan? 

It's settled. I need this guy.
Okay, Breyer, I see you. I Have a soft spot for silver bays, and this new mold is incredible. At this point, I don't even think it matters whether or not he becomes a show horse, I just want this guy in my herd.

High Tide- Malik 

High Tide really reminds me of the new Frozen 2 horses, but he's adorable anyway :)
Although I don't absolutely love his mold, for some reason, this coloring on him really strikes a chord with me. I wouldn't be upset if he wandered his way onto my shelves.

Smooth Rider- Various Molds 

Is that a new Mariah mane variation I see?
Hmm... It seems to be that Breyer is branching out and making more mold variations recently. Eh, now that I look closer, it just looks like a more precise paint job, not a new forelock :( oh well. Regardless, it's cool to see Mariah used as a Paso Fino.

Racing the Wind- Various Molds 

I don't know about y'all, but I think Bella looks nice in grey!
I like these mare and foal sets they've been doing with the Classics series, but I wish more Traditional sets were made, too.

Spotted Wonders- Various Molds 

Dang, Knabstrupper Classics, they're really branching out with breeds.
This Knabstrupper set definitely a welcome change from the constant Paints, Quarter Horses, Appaloosas, KWPN's, etc... that they manufacture, and I find the Standing Thoroughbred mold an interesting choice for a breed with such baroque lineage.

Solaris- Brabant 

I really need to lay off my unicorn obsession, but this guy is just stunning!
If I get this guy, come to think of it, I feel like he might make a good etchie, and I don't know why. Let's just hope he's not shimmery (for the purposes of etching only, because if he is, I don't think I could bring myself to, or if he's glossed).

Breyer 70th Anniversary Assortment- Various Molds 

One of my favorites, the Dapple Palomino Saddlebred (in its URL, he's described as "Silo"?) 
Alas! A Saddlebred to show!  I can't wait to get my hands on this pretty paly. My two favorites from this Treasure Hunt are either him or the Pinto Smarty Jones (whose name, like the others, remains unknown, though in his URL, it mentions "Secretariat", not "Smarty Jones", his mold, which the other models' url's do... conspiracy? Maybe), I hope he doesn't go for sky-high prices!

Avatar's Jazzman- Flash 

Well, would you look at that? Another Morgan Flash!
It's no secret that the Flash mold is a frequent flyer in the Morgan classes, and he's about to be seen more, I assume. We'll just have to see in the upcoming 2020+ shows. Nevertheless, he is quite the stunner, I must admit.

Stingray- Wyatt 

Okay, these new releases might make me want to purge some of my Stock Horses to make room for these guys
Well... who goes? Someone might be voted off the island for this guy... I just can't resist his coloring!

The "Gangsters"-  Tony Da Pony and Bugsy Maloney 

I'll be honest, these guys are cool, but they're not my cup of tea.
Tony and Bugsy look like nice models, my main issue is just that older molds really aren't my thing, that's all.

Sable Island Horse- Croi Damsha 

Her shading is just stunning 
Regardless of her spot in my showstring, she is a must-have for my collection, especially because of the Croi conga I'm hoping to complete. I'm sure I can make room to show her though.

American Quarter Horse- Geronimo 

I'm so glad Breyer is making more use of this mold! I hope this handsome dude joins my herd.
I have a confession: I love the Geronimo mold. Thus far, all of Breyer's models on this mold, though, have been a bit too expensive for my taste, with the exception of Bandera. This guy is a welcome change. I do want to say one thing: he bears a striking resemblance to a 2018 model on this mold.

Favory Airiella Gift Set- Performance Lipizzaner Mare and Foal 

Isn't that foal's face just the cutest?
Ugh! Why does Breyer have to create such adorable horses? I want them all (but I know I can't, which is the sad part, but that's life)! I know I've been pointing out similarities in previously mentioned models, but I really think this one should be mentioned, not to hate on Breyer, of course!

What do y'all think of this new lineup? Who do you plan on getting?

Disclaimer: I'd like to give full disclosure that as of 12/17/2019, the date which this blog post was first drafted, I found the photos on Brittany's Breyers' and the Model Horse Madness blogs, then Breyer's website.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Performance Problems

For years, I've aspired to, one day, be as awesome at performance as the tycoons in this hobby, like Jennifer Buxton or Tiffany Purdy. I think I'm finally ready to 'pull the trigger' on my performance showing dreams, though there's one problem, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. We all start somewhere, right? Well, somehow, by February 15th, 2020, I, at the very least, need to acquire an LSQ bridle (at this point, either discipline, since I have a plethora of ideas, anyway). In an ideal world, I'd also have a saddle in that same discipline, and a bareback pad, along with any other props I'd probably benefit from having in my entry. A doll or two would be nice, but since I can't afford LSQ dolls, my entries are just going to have to go without for the time being. 

So, let's just say, magically, I have everything I'd mentioned up there, and I'm ready to roll, then what? What models would I use? What setups would I do? "Ahhhhhhhh!" Well, I have a few ideas (and my apologies for the bad photos! I was trying to grab what I could find on my computer) as to who I might use in performance: 
AN Krash 'n Brn
AN Tear in My Heart 
AN Beats Per Minute
AN You're Jo King (who no longer belongs to me, but I have another on her mold) 
I know that it's not too impressive, but it's better than nothing :) 

Considering my budget isn't too large, I do have to, undoubtedly, bargain hunt. Here's what I've compiled so far (do you agree with it?): 
  • Bridle- $75 
  • Saddle- $130 (yes, that's low, but I've found Painted Daisy Studio makes nice ones for that price point) 
  • Saddle Pad- $25 
  • Girth- $30 
Which comes down to a total of $260 allotted for the 'bare bones' tack. I mean, hopefully I can get a bareback pad (which I'll set aside maybe $60), a halter (probably $35, at the most), a lead rope ($5-15), and maybe, just maybe, if I'm feeling a bit crazy, some halter reins too ($5-15). 

What about y'all? Do you do performance? Let's hear about it! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How I Document Breeds - With Updates!

So I don't know about y'all, but creating documentation for a live show is quite the undertaking. Over the years, I've developed a set of guidelines I use when creating my own documentation, based off tips from others and my own trial and error. 

I want to emphasize that this isn't the be-all-end-all by any means, but I've had good success with it! 
Reserve Champion of Breyer Original Finish Division, Sea to Bay '20
Model: Woodland Splendor
So, without further ado, let's get on with it! (Please note: I take credit for only the first and last images.) 

Step One: Let's choose a model 

In this case, let's use my PS Midge:
Peter Stone Midge, 2018 Equilocity SR LE 30 in Gloss Finish
Now, let's take a look at a few key identifiers: 
  1. Coloring/Markings 
  2. Confirmation 
  3. Type 
In reference to Midge, she is: 
  1. Coloring/Markings- Black Pinto with Two Stockings, one Half-Stocking, and one Pastern 
  2. Breed Standards- The PS Pony has many basic trademarks of your average pony type, the most notable of which is her height (ponies may be at most 14.2 hands high) 
  3. Type- In her case, this is fairly similar to "Confirmation", in the sense that she has a very pony-like physique. 

Step Two: Establishing the breed 

Although the real-life Midge was a Shetland Pony, I don't quite believe that the Shetland Pony is the best choice. So, what now, if not her original breed? Research! Some of my favorite websites to refer to include: Horse Breeds InfoOklahoma State University, and The Equinest, in regards to reliable sources of Breed information, though going straight to a breed's registry (for example, the APHA Registry). After doing some research, I stumbled upon a few breeds that may work: 
Image result for smokin double dutch
The Quarter Pony 
Related image
The Paint Pony
Image result for pinto chincoteague pony
The Chincoteague Pony

Ultimately, while any of these could have worked, I opted for the Quarter Pony mainly for two reasons: the amount of information available on the breed and confirmational accuracy. 

Step Three: Creating the documentation 

While creating the breed documentation itself, I try to identify these key points: 
  1. Height 
  2. Colors 
  3. Distinguishing Features 
  4. If the breed has any sub-types (i.e. the three types of Quarter Horse or, more notably, the 'sections' of the Welsh Pony) 
So, how do I answer these questions? Primarily, I suggest seeking out the breed's registry, if it has a website. Luckily, the AQPA does have their own site. I tend to err on the side of caution and fact-check, hence my usage of more than one website in reference. Now, onto answering those questions! 
  1. Height- 11.2-15.2 Hands High (now that's a gap!) 
  2. Colors- all solid and most pinto 
  3. Distinguishing Features- a brief summary what to look for when identifying a Quarter Pony 
  4. No Sub-Types here! 

Now that you have the information down, it's time for the photos! What do I look for in a reference photo? 
  1. Confirmational Accuracy (how accurate is the photo, in comparison to the breed characteristics stated?) 
  2. Dynamicity (is the horse in a dynamic pose?) (optional, but I think they make it more visually appealing) 
  3. Resolution/Quality (how high-quality of a photo am I using? Try to avoid grainy photos) 
In addition to those qualities, I make an effort to include at least one photo of each of the following criteria into a documentation card: 
  1. Halter/Confirmation Picture 
  2. A Rare/Unusual Color 
  3. Color of the Model 
  4. Position/Stance of the Model (at least matching its gait)
5/20/24 edit: It appears some of these images aren't showing up, but fret not! All of these here are also on the final documentation card (at the top and bottom of this post). 
Halter/Conformational Picture 
Image result for cremello quarter pony
Rare Color
Matching Color 
Image result for smokin double dutch
Matching Gait 
Step Four: Making it look pretty 

Now that you have everything that you need, in theory, you could be done, but that might look sloppy, and judges do not like sloppy. All that's left to do not is simply tidying up (making sure the fonts are all the same, the font size is what you want it, spell-check, etc...), but equally as importantly, make sure the photos are aligned! "But wait, do you mean by 'aligned'?" Well, I am referring to making sure that one photo isn't, say, much taller than the one next to it, and the like. 

The Final Product: 

The Final Product :)
5/20/24 edit: I now cut out the "made by" part. The more I mull it over, though I've never seen put me at a disadvantage, it's probably pointless if exhibitors' identifying information (initials) goes face-down on the model's toe tag anyway. 

So, here's what your finished product might look like! (If only my ancient laptop didn't destroy the screencap quality in Blogspot, arggggghh.) If you don't want to do all this, there are hobbyists who make and sell these (myself included), so fret not it it’s a tad overwhelming! 

One final piece of advice I'd offer is to think out of the box (when possible)! Of course, some molds and models might be pretty stuck in one breed (like molds in special, breed-specific gaits), but it also works to your benefit to spread out your models and avoid putting five in that huge Thoroughbred class. 

In fact, the Lonesome Glory mold is stereotypically assigned as a TB, and that makes a lot of sense. Pretty solid choice. But, there are other options! I've shown my Woodland Splendor as an Anglo-Teke, and he got reserve champ of the entire Breyer OF division! 

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed this as much as I did, and maybe you learned a thing or two! What would you like to see next? Let me know! 

(Looking for more documentation help? Might I suggest checking out these resources from Knight's Tale Studio, Braymere Custom Saddlery, Shamrock Farms, Horse Tender Studio, and Five Paws Studio.) 

How do you create yours? Do you use documentation? I look forward to reading how y'all do! :) 
Breed Standards

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Collector Club Appreciation, Round Two

What's up? This is my first official blog post, I hope y'all like it :) As many of you know, Breyer's Collector Club just offered their Collector Club Appreciation models up last Wednesday, which caused quite the kerfuffle. It's crazy that they sold out in under a half an hour! Luckily for me (although others weren't nearly as excited), they opened up round two, which, I believe was open until Monday (yesterday, at the time of this post). Of course, I had to snag one. Upon messaging Breyer about when to expect the "Regular Line" models, they told me that they should ship as they regularly would, and, of course, the new Appreciation Models won't ship until May (not in time for neither Sea to Bay nor MAR, but oh well). I'm curious to know who y'all got! In the meantime, I'll show you who I'm expecting at my doorstep in the near future:
Image result for breyer minstrel"
Minstrel, 2019 Holiday Horse 
(I'm still confused as to why, logically, I should have bought her, because I already have enough OFP Stock Horses 🤣)
Image result for breyer lv integrity"
LV Integrity
Image result for breyer hackney and foal"

We're also faced with another pressing question: who will be glossed? Thus far, Breyer has told us that we can expect a glossy Khalid, King, and LV Integrity, but who are the other three? Now, of course, I don't know who they would be, but here are my guesses: 
Also, although I highly doubt this would be the case, a Protocol Gift Set would be cool! 

Who did you get?

Monday, December 16, 2019


Hi, y'all! Some of you may recognize me from Instagram (@AllOrNadaStudios), Snupps (also @AllOrNadaStudios), or simply from Region Nine Live Shows, or, maybe, you've never heard of me, in which case, welcome! A little bit about me: I've been collecting since late 2016, I live show (Halter, for the time being, but I hope to branch out in the near future), and I ride horses in real life (Eventing and USPC, to be specific). In addition to Live Showing, I also make Documentation, which I charge very little for (on average, $0.75/full-color, multi-photo comprehensive reference card). I have two adorable mutts, who may or may not make a few cameos here and there on my page, Barry-Bob and Greta Gertrude II (why they have those names still baffles me). Anyway, I won't keep y'all here too long, I just wanted to briefly introduce myself. I hope y'all have a wonderful rest of your day, and expect some more content soon! What do you want to see? :)